About Me

Frisco, Texas, United States
I'm a middle-aged, bitter, divorced woman making every day a great day. I have two grown children.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Empty Nest NOT

Well I made Florence Tyler's Chicken Marsala and it was very good. Still think it is easier and almost as good to throw chicken in the crock pot for the day. I may make it again...when I have plenty of time and am bored.

So my boyfriend bought me some new flannel sheets for this winter. Yes it is 70 degrees this week, but it was 30/40s at night. Well Billie Jean has taking a liking to them. She stays in this same spot for hours.

90lb dog watching as cat eats her food
She has decided she is boss of the house. She doesn't like her cat food and likes Zena's food best.

Oh and I thought Zena weighed 80 lbs. Oops. We've been feeding her too many table scraps. She weighs 90 lbs. She's so sweet for a Rottweiler. She lets BJ eat and when BJ is done, she finishes up the bowl. 

I'm not a runner, never have been. I thought I would have a jogging partner when I got Zena. The dog can't even keep up with me and I'm SLOW. I have to DRAG her when I attempt to do a slow jog, so now I'm jogging without her.

So my son came upon some hard times recently and he has moved in with me and Hayley. He got a job at Cinemark and has been cooking and cleaning around the house and doing yard work, so I guess it's all good. He will start community college in spring. I was thinking I had one more year to get Hayley through high school and then I'd be an empty nester...instead one came back. 

On another note, think I'm going to join 24-hour fitness again. I was there 5 years ago. I tested out Frisco Athletic Center recently and it is okay. I like 24-hour because they have a hot tub and steam room. So nice on a cold winter day, to go work out and then get in the hot tub. Plus my boyfriend has been working out a lot and making me feel like a slug.

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