About Me

Frisco, Texas, United States
I'm a middle-aged, bitter, divorced woman making every day a great day. I have two grown children.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Moving Weekend and New Used Car

Busy, busy week. 

So I literally drove my new convertible off of a huge block of ice to go on a test drive. I also almost put the car sideways on the way out of the parking lot. The sales guy had gone back inside and didn't witness that. I bought the car at Park Place Lexus in Grapevine. Swanky place. I was in and out in a couple of hours. My sales person helped transfer all my junk from one car to the other and even programmed my garage door opener for the new car.

Bye bye Z4, Hello Camaro.
The car was a little more than I wanted to spend, but Nicky negotiated it right down to what I did want to spend. So anyway, I traded one white convertible for another white convertible. My old car looks brown in the picture, but that is from Icemageddon. 

So Friday I ran to McKinney so Hayley could drop off her car at Nissan to see why the check engine light was on. We eat some wings and go back to Frisco. About 10 minutes later, he car is ready, so back to McKinney. Ugh.
Zena going for ride in old car

Then, Saturday its off to Austin to take my big dog, Zena, to live with my ex-husband and son. She is a vicious breed and not allowed at most places and she needs plenty of room. I miss her so much already. So I did round trip. 3.5 hours to get there and 4.5 to get home.

I got stuck in traffic on the way back on 1-35 for an hour in Lorena, Texas. I literally got out of my car on the interstate to stretch my legs and take a short walk. Lots of guys were jumping the median for pee breaks and a few ran into a bar on the side of the interstate....peeing or drinking??? Anyway, I was able to read my new car manual, program my blue tooth, set up hands-free calling, play on Facebook, and Words with Friends...or in my case Words with Strangers, until the wreck was cleared. I almost gnawed my arm off as I was starving, and I was tempted to jump the median too as I was drinking bottled water on the drive.

So Sunday, another big day, Hayley moved to Dallas. We used Wrightway Movers and they did an excellent job. She pretty much moved all the furniture from my house to her new 3rd floor apartment. It only took 2 hours. Wow. She is so excited and her place looks really cute.

I still have so many odds and ends at my house. Every day this week, I'm going over to get another car load. I've had my new car since Thursday and have already racked up almost 1000 miles. This must stop. 

So next up, hire a handy man and maids to clean up the Frisco house so I can put it up for lease soon. If were to lie down right now, I'd probably wake up on Wednesday.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Empty Nest and Craps

It's official. Hayley moves out this Sunday. So her first act of living alone...she wants to put up Xmas lights in her apartment. I'm like well....maybe you should turn on electricity and Internet, get some food and supplies... and then think about the Xmas lights. Oh, she also informed me that she is going to fill the freezer with Pizzas and Ben and Jerrys. I told her it was a good thing she is moving to a 3rd-floor walkup. 

Nick and I braved the ice and went to the Gaylord for a Xmas party Friday night. There was an 18 wheeler 2 feet from my window that was going over the cobbletsone ice (new term I learned from the media). It was bouncing and rocking like crazy. I thought it was going to turn over and squish us. 

Not sure why it took us 4 shots to figure out where the camera was. The machine was very fast.....as fast as a knife fight in a phone booth.

Nick had never played craps, so how to teach him? Take our fake $4K to the table and start placing bets and making him roll. Trial by fire, but it worked out well. Nick had some awesome rolls.  I chalk it up to him being a craps virgin. He also made some mighty fine bets. He was so good that the dealer kept telling him to pick up his winnings quicker. True statement. We ended up with $15K after a late night losing streak. Did I mention the stickman tossed not one, but two chips right down the front of my dress? Very talented man. But then again, he also hit me in the eye one time too.  All in all a very fun night. The Gaylord is beautiful, but we were having too much fun to take pictures.

I hope everyone had a safe Icemageddon. I lost a rather large Chinese Empress tree in my backyard, but we were all safe and that's what counts.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Entire Life is Changing Quickly and Don't Put Milk in the Keurig

Hayley is serious about moving out. She even cleaned up her room. She came out with many garbage bags and said she could see her couch in her room again. I'm like "You have a couch in there?" 

The first apartment we checked out was a dive and it was completely 'upgraded'. Well, upgraded obviously means different things to different people. I'm thinking granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, and hardwoods. Upgraded at this complex meant laminate floors, black appliances, granite-looking formica, and lots of people sitting outside smoking and screaming at others on their cell phones. 

Hayley looked at several more this week. For $450, you live in a neighborhood with drug dealers, gunshots, and lots of car break-ins (according to the reviews). For $600, you live in a moderately better area. I told her I'd gladly contribute $150 a month for a better chance of her staying alive. I guess sushi and manicures are out for a while....well like 12 months.

With recent life changes, I've decided that I need a larger car so that I can transport two golf bags AND luggage so that Nick and I can go on golf trips. Nick's car is large enough, but its not a convertible. Oh and it doesn't help that BMW wants $600 to replace and reprogram a battery. That seems a little excessive to me. Time to go back to American-made while I'm helping Hayley through school.

Hayley is horrified that I would trade-in my car. This coming from the girl who claims she doesn't even like my car. 
Hopefully After

Unfortunately, finding a convertible in Texas is very hard to do. Well, at least, when you are picky about the color, the mileage, and the price. I may be a Longhorn, but I don't want to drive an orange car. 

And while I'm changing everything else in my life, time to put my house up for lease. Don't need to pay for a house in the Frisco Independent School District anymore. I talked to my realtor today and she said the leasing business is really good right now. 

Exciting and different times ahead!!!

So all my Texas friends, time to go buy out the grocery stores. Looks like the possibility of ice. I will be stopping by Beverage World on my way home. Hayley bought several packages of Ramen last night. We can survive a few days. Unfortunately, I cannot use the Keurig to make hot apple cider since Bimbo burned milk in it trying to make hot chocolate and never cleaned it out. The smell is horrible. We ran about 20 cups through it with vinegar and dishwashing soap. My $100 Keurig is now sitting in the garage airing out. I'm not sure it is salvgeable.

Monday, December 2, 2013

I'm going to be 48 with a new student loan????

So Hayley is going to start school in Dallas towards the end of January. We have gone back and forth on what is going on in both of our lives. First, she was trying to find a roommate, but other kids seem flaky. Then, she wanted to get her own apartment, but have me stay over so she wouldn't be alone. NOW, she has decided she wants a one-bedroom and I'm not even allowed to come over. Come to think of it, my family never did visit my first roach infested apartment off of South Cooper.
She has also decided to move sooner rather than later. I asked why and I got a surprising answer. She has decided she is tired of her boyfriend and she'd just like to move away and not tell him where she lives. Wow....but okay. I admire her spunk. I didn't see this coming since she spends a lot of time with him.

I am 48 years old and I'm going to have a student loan. Seriously. Hayley's school costs $20K. We get $0K in grants. Nice. And now because kids are so bad about paying back student loans, the government gives out Parent PLUS loans that are nontransferrable. She will borrow $10k and I'll take a loan out for whatever is left that I don't pay upfront. Urgh.

So my car battery struggles to turnover when it is cold outside. It is fine as long as the weather is good. It is 6 years old, so I thought I'd be proactive and go ahead and replace it before I'm stranded in cold weather somewhere. Well, the battery isn't TOO expensive, BUT, BMW say the battery has to be reprogrammed with the car. It will be more than $600. So tonight, I'm going to look at apartments for Hayley AND an American car for me. Nick is out of town, but he still took time to call and talk to the used car manager at the dealership for me. Love that.

Oh and my 22-year old son would like to know if any of my single hot friends are available to date him. So if any of my 50-year old friends are interested in a much younger and broke boyfriend, please let me know.

When I told my daughter what he said, she laughed and said he should know I don't have any friends. Love my spawn.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Potato Vodka and Pioneer Woman

I talk to my dental hygienist all of 2 hours a year, but it has been several years now. We have a lot in common. Somehow I manage to do this while she is cleaning my teeth. 

So anyway, recently, we were talking cocktails. She said she likes Monopolowa potato vodka. I didn't know there was such a thing. So anyway, the last time I was at the liquor store, I'm having a conversation with the liquor expert, who enlightened me about the differences between American, Polish, and Russian vodka. So anyway, I bought a bottle of Monopolowa to try.

Whew. This stuff is strong. It is so strong, in fact, that it ruined the finish on my kitchen table. The picture shows where the 'measuring' shot glass was sitting. I have tried furniture polish and Old English furniture stuff for scratches. Nothing worked. Anyway, I think I like smooth American vodka. Nicky asked me "If you didn't like the potato vodka, why did you drink it?" I was like ...ummmm......because you kept mixing me drinks using it????

So Nicky was visiting this weekend. Sunday he was sleeping in. I got up early and cleaned the kitchen, swept the floors, dusted, took out the trash and recycle, cleaned up dog poop, and raked leaves. Afterwards, I walked in the bedroom while he was still half asleep and he mumbled something about how I would make a good Pioneer Woman. I stood there with a questioning look trying to figure this out. Then he rambled "You would have milked the cows already....if you had them."  He is right I would make a great pioneer woman. 

So Hayley's friend at the mall is still adding Peaches pics to her shirt.
A week or so ago
As of today

I hope everyone is having a lovely soon-to-be holiday season. Feeling grateful and joyous. Now, I wish I wouldn't have donated all my Xmas lights and decorations to charity. I just thought with Hayley getting older that I wouldn't want to waste my time hanging lights and decorating a tree. Not sure what I was thinking. Now, I've decided I need to at least put lights on the outside of my house. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Roommates and My beloved Samsung Tablet was Commandeered

I've been applying for financial aid for Hayley. Not for the faint of heart. Aveda costs $20K, but is so much nicer than other school we visited and is actually a little bit cheaper. She wants to move to Dallas and I'm sure she would be hitting me up for money quite a bit even though she will be working. 

I could use a paying roommate when she leaves, but I doubt anyone would pay to live in a tiny, old house with my oversized Rottweilier, two cats, fish, and my bad habit of drinking wine and heckling. Oh and I blare today's top hits as soon as I awake. Sidenote: Nicky will strangle me if he hears Katy Perry's Hear me Roar one more time.....especially at 6am. 

The fun news about my house..I was on the Veterans Day Parade route so I was able to watch from my front yard.

So on another note, when Hayley got her mall job, she decided she should take my tablet to work every day. I've had my tablet since Black Friday 2012. I absolutely love it. I have really missed it the past few weeks.

I never use my laptop anymore...well until my tablet was commandeered. Why use a HUGE laptop with a 2 hour battery life when you can sleep with the tablet under your pillow and watch movies for hours? Or wake up with insomnia and play a game of Words with Friends. Granted, I can't type on it worth a hoot and I don't want to get a detachable keyboard...because then I'd feel like I was at work. I miss setting my tablet on my kitchen counter while I read recipes and cook. I miss watching Netflix with my tablet sitting on my stomach while I lie in bed.  

Hayley's birthday is this month. I've decided she gets NO choice in what she gets for her birthday. I ordered her a refurbished Samsung tablet with stylus for $100 cheaper than a new one using a Groupon.  Oh and I will never mention the word refurbished around my house. I can't wait for hers to arrive so I can have my 'old' life back.

The artic cold front blew in this morning. It was 32 degrees. So I'm at QuickTrip getting a snack and I'm in boots, slacks, a turtleneck, scarf, sweater, and jacket. Two guys gassing up are wearing shorts. WTH?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mall Work and Invisible Black Dogs

Hayley has been working at a kiosk at the mall. She loves it. She takes my tablet and watches movies most of the day. There is a makeup kiosk close by that sells really expensive make up. The guy always tells her he will not do her makeup because she can't afford it. 

This same guy puts her down all the time. Fortunately, she has very high self esteem and we laugh about the mean things he says to her.  He told her the other day she looks 15. She told him she looked older than that. He said "I meant because your face is all broken out". Really?

So anyway, makeup guy has WiFi router and t-shirt guy has a microwave. Hayley talked the t-shirt guy into letting her and makeup guy use the microwave by giving him makeup guy's WiFi password. I said so what did you contribute? Basically, she contributed her big mouth so now she has WiFi and a microwave to use.

The other day she got to work early and hadn't done her makeup or hair. The makeup guy was nice (for a change) and did her makeup and the hair-straightener lady did her hair. She came home and looked really pretty even though she is currently sporting blue and purple hair.

So t-shirt guy is making Hayley a t-shirt. She sends him different pictures of Peaches. So far, he has put two pictures on the shirt (see photo below). Hayley said she was going to have him keep adding pictures of Peaches to this shirt. I said what about Zena? She said t-shirt guy said black animals don't show up well. This is Peaches lying next to her mommy's custom Peaches shirt.

So speaking of black dogs, do you see the camouflaged dog in this picture with Nicky? She was 96 lbs, but now Zena is a svelte 89 lbs. Nicky with his new birthday driver and invisible dog. When he talks about or picks up his new driver he emits a manly "er er" or maybe its a "woh woh" sound. Kind of like how you can't just say "Vegas". It must be "Vegas baby" in a throaty Elvis-type voice.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fake casserole and sin stocks

Hayley called me at work today and asked me to come home and make her a casserole. Well, many of you know that I love to cook, but guess what? I wasn't in the cooking mode. It is 75 degrees and lovely outside. I was in the 'sit on the front porch, drink wine, and watch traffic go by' mode. Then, I found out she unexpectedly had to go to work which means she wouldn't be around to watch me 'cook'.

So I go to Kroger's to look at prepackaged meals in the deli area. Seriously, a small piece of lasagna is $5.20. It's not even enough food to fill up my daughter.

So I go to frozen foods. I buy two TV dinners (baked ziti) for $4 total. Now, Hayley likes home-cooked food. So I put these in my baking pan, added more mozzarella, added shredded cheddar cheese on top, and breadcrumbs. For good measure, I made sure to leave cheddar cheese on the stove so she'd think I cooked from scratch. Just kidding, that was not intentional. That was me making a big mess while shredding the cheese. Oh, and let me tell you, this fake home-made casserole is really good.

I'm feeling very clever. I put the TV dinner boxes in the trash, so I know that she'll never run across those. Every week we have a contest to see how much trash can fit into a bag....'cause neither of us are taking it out until I do it on trash day. The joys of living with only females in the house...Sigh.

So speaking of NOT winning the lottery lately...Today, my sin stocks came through for me even thought the market was down. I don't intentionally hold sin stocks, but they just seem like a good way to make money. My sin stocks include liquor, ammo, and ecigarette stocks. I own other things too, but the sin stocks seem to do best in most instances. I bought a couple of REITS for old people stuff like hospitals and medical centers. One is doing well, and I have one that turned out to be not-so-good lately and I'm not sure why. Anyway, since everyone that I personally know is getting older, I'm going to hang onto the both of them.

So I'd appreciate it if you'd all shoot your guns often, drink your alcohol, smoke your ecigs, and continue to get older.

Oh and my boyfriend, Nicky, really cracks me up. He told me that when we go to Spain next year, that I can go topless on the beach. Seriously? I'm 48 years old. I don't know if that's such a good idea, but it makes me smile that he even suggests it.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Thieves don't like my stuff, wrap rage, and Zena went to a new doggy jail

So this weekend, my car was broken into.....but not really 'broken into' because I left the driver's door unlocked. Oops.
Thieves rifled through my stuff, but they didn't like it. My red jacket, glasses, feminine products, hair brush, hand lotion, and corkscrew.....still there. Note to "most likely young, teenage, male thieves"....breaking into a woman's car probably not such a great idea.
As I'm feeling very indignant about this, I had an "Oh Sh*t" moment. I pop the trunk and am sooooo relieved to find that the thieves neglected to take my $1500 set of golf clubs. That would have been a serious buzz kill.

So this morning, I realize the one thing the thieves took. It was a pocket knife. It was part of a gift bag from a golf tournament. I'm going to seriously miss that knife. I have a bad case of wrap rage. I don't remember what I was opening, but I just used it last week to open something I bought while at lunch.


So Zena escaped AGAIN. WTH? I'm not sure how she is getting out. I have a 2" opening between my gate and fence and I think this 96 lb dog may be getting through there some how. So this week she was at the Plano shelter and this time, I went to get her instead of Hayley. I asked the lady where she was found.

The consensus from my family and friends would be that she was most likely picked up in my front yard, but au contraire.

She was picked up 8 miles away in Southeast Plano. That is across a major highway and my dog can only walk about .75 miles before her body just shuts down.

Now I'm wondering if someone stole my beautiful dog and she escaped them too. According to animal control, the lady who brought her in didn't want to leave her. She was afraid they wouldn't find me and that Zena would be put down. Apparently, the finder kept calling and checking in on her. They let her know that Zena was microchipped and that I was on my way. Thankful to the sweet lady who took care of my dog. Glad Zena's not dead in the street somewhere.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Zena went to doggy jail

Friday night, I was visiting Arlington. I get a call from Hayley, that she got a call from her dad, that he got a call from the animal shelter. Zena must have escaped and she is in doggy jail. (Her microchip is tagged to my ex-husbands's phone number and he now lives in Austin.) 

Now, for those who don't know Zena,  she may look really big and scary, but she is a gentle giant. If you open a car door, she will jump right in...especially if it's the driver's side door.

So Nick said he would like to have seen the surveillance tape when they picked her up. They probably opened the truck door to get their dog harness catcher thingy and she probably jumped up in the front seat wagging her tail as happy as can be. 

So Hayley says she'll pick her up Saturday. I'm thinking its' going to be really expensive. Hayley said it was $20 to redeem her and only $8 for the night. Okay, from now on, when I go on vacation, I'm letting the dog loose outside of animal control. The kennel is expensive. I went to New Orleans once and stayed in the French Quarter and my 2 dogs that shared a kennel cost as much as my hotel stay for the long weekend. I mean they shared a small steel cage for goodness sake. I had a private bath, big comfy bed, cable TV, Internet and walking distance to Bourbon street.

So Nick goes to Chicago every week and for some strange reason where he works, they always have soup for breakfast. He sends me these lovely pictures that always put a smile on my face. I talked to a coworker with family in Chicago and he says that soup for breakfast is NOT a Chicago thing.

So I've been playing a little more golf lately. This is the time of the year to do it. Gorgeous outside. My short game has not improved. I have not practiced, but I do contemplate what I should do different quite a bit. Unfortunately that contemplation does not include trying to improve my short game by actually going to the driving range to practice.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Real Food and the Year of the Pecan

So my daughter calls me and says she wants 'real food' for dinner. This means she is broke. So I call and tell her I'll make French Onion soup and she says that is not real food. This brought back a memory of when she worked at TJ Maxx. They were having a Thanksgiving pot luck. Her boss told her to bring 'White People Food'. Hayley asked what that was and the manager told her it was broccoli cheese casserole, so I made that for her potluck.

So anyway, I told her that tonight I had decided to make Caprese salad with home-grown basil and fresh bread, creamed spinach, roasted red potatoes, and filet mignon. My daughter says that is not real food. But then she follows up with ......you better make me two steaks. Sigh.

Notice my nice paper plate. Hahaha. When I said I was decluttering my house a while back, I got a little overzealous and now I have no dishes. Whoops.

So tomorrow I'm making my home-made French Onion soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. It might not be considered 'real food' to Hayley, but it sounds pretty good to me and Nicky. I don't know why Hayley says it is not real food. She loves my French Onion soup.

So for the first year in 2 years, I'm going to have home-grown pecans and I'm so excited. We have big plans for these nuts.

So today, I stopped by Ford to take a look at convertible Mustangs. There is not a single convertible in all of the 'group' dealerships in the entire metroplex. Well alrighty then. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Suggestion for Krogers

Monday evening, I went to the gym. I haven't been in weeks. I did circuits, treadmill, stretched and got in the the sauna for about 3 minutes. It was really hot and I needed to go the store on my way home, so being completely red-faced and wet was not that appealing to me. 

So what brainiac at Kroger's put the two items I can't sleep without: Cat Food and Wine (if you've heard a hungry cat at 5am....you know what I'm talking abouton the complete opposite sides of the store? Seriously, any pet or baby items should be located directly behind the beer and wine aisle.  Okay, wrote Krogers an email to give them my suggestion. 

So today, I bought a PowerBall and I walked outside and found a quarter. I'm convinced I'm the next winner. Besides contributing to world peace, church, respectable charities, family, blah, blah, blah,  I've decided on a Maserati convertible as my first selfish purchase because the dealership is very close. I'm thinking if I had this car "I'd be bringing sexy back".

Can't help myself. A little Justin link below. Okay, even the ad in front is funny for Poo Pourrie.

After the car, a trip to the Virgin Islands for golf, snorkeling, sailing, sun, sand, and a PainKiller at the Soggy Dollar Bar.  Sunny drinks for shady people.

My daughter wants a Dodge Ram pickup truck if I win. Something is so wrong with her. Sometimes I think she is my child and sometimes I don't.

Fake Beer Pong and Cheese Camera Feature

So Saturday I'm playing a charity golf event when I get a text from Hayley. She sent me a picture of a goldfish. She proceeds to tell me she won it at Grapefest. I turn to Nick and jokingly say "I hope she didn't win it playing beer pong". 

I texted her back and asked how she won it. She said she won it at beer pong. Seriously? AAGGHHH. Oh, but beer pong with no beer and no red cups, so fake beer pong. Interesting. She also sent me picture of her cat who had located the new fish in the house and was giving it the evil eye. I'd post but the pic, but it was blurry.

Sadly enough, Charles didn't make it through the night. Because Hayley had already bought a bowl and the rocks etc, she replaced Charles with a Beta....as of now, still unnamed. So I haven't gotten an animal for myself in 16 years but because of my children I  have a Rottweiler, two cats, and a new fish. I told Hayley she needs to start bringing things home that are NOT alive.

So I was griping about how my camera phone didn't have flash etc. Well it does. I just never looked at the settings. But the greatest thing of all. I have a 'Cheese' feature. You can select the Cheese feature and when you say Cheese the camera automatically takes a picture. I figured this out Friday at work when playing with my phone. Not sure why, but this feature had me laughing so hard.

So I was told that you can survive by starting fires with Fritos because they have so much oil. Well, I needed to check out that theory. Here is the result. They burn and put off a nice chemical smell. Hmmmm. Maybe I should get over my Frito addiction.

Having margaritas at Taco Diner last week.
By the way, you cannot NOT dance when "She's a SuperFreak" comes on the radio.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Golf Update and Seniors (TMI)

I haven't played league lately, but went last night. Lovely evening. On 9 holes, I shot a 47 which is pretty good for me at Riverchase. Bonus: Did NOT lose a single ball. So I had three pars which is great but boring to talk about. So let's get to the blow up hole.

First hole is a par 5. On my 3rd shot, I'm about 5 feet in front of the green. I have ample opportunity to par this whole. So here's how it played out:

  • Hit PW on toe of club and send ball sideways about 5 ft....still NOT on green.
  • Use PW to top the ball and send it flying (worm burner) to other side OFF the green. (Pulling a Happy Gilmore move)
  • Peeved Now. Use putter on downhill putt (off the green) and ball makes it about halfway to hole.
  • Two more putts for a total of...............drum roll please........8.
I am pretty sure that if I had thrown my PW into the lake last night, I might have scored much better.

So we sat at a different table last night after golf.  A guy from the men's league came over to tell us that we can't be changing tables because it is confusing to them. Hahaha. These are the same guys that always add their names on the women's bright PINK closest to pin and longest drive markers. These the are the same group that two of them walked by all the women one day and one of the ladies heard the one guy tell the other one "These women want me". That sent us all into hysterical laughter.

So I was almost late for my tee time because I was talking to this lady at the bar. She comes in every week for cocktails. She drives her red convertible and is always dressed up. She is 75 years old and proceeded to tell me about how her (now dead) husband had relations with her until he was 84 and got cancer. And she said A LOT. And last week she dumped an 80-year old man because on the 2nd date, he kept talking about sex to her. She has also decided she wants to date, but she wants to date someone about 60 or 65. I love golf league nights.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fun with Hayley

So I have some girlfriends that I meet for happy hours every couple of weeks. Well, I am almost always dressed in jeans and heels. Not sure what got into me this morning, but I'm wearing a tight (not exactly in a good way, but whatever) black skirt and my cute black heels that I bought in Vegas. They may be wondering "What happened to Connie?"

Well, I'm not sure what has happened to me either. Very strange. As many of you know about me, I hate to clothes shop. Well, my daughter and I were at the mall purchasing our very cute Dallas Cowboys shirts and I saw the cutest hounds tooth print and corduroy slacks in bright colors. 

Speaking of cute Cowboys shirts. Here is one. The back of it is all lacy type stuff. By the way, my daughter said that that is a horrible picture of me and that I shouldn't take selfies. Bah humbug to her. Oh and what up? Here is Hayley taking a selfie of the both of us just last week. I guess the selfie rule only applies to me.

Because I hate to shop, I just looked at the nice pants, but didn't feel like getting undressed and trying on clothes....or trying to match tops with pants, etc. BUT, I'm determined to go back another day and get me some cute clothes.

Okay, so random phone pics. This is me and Hayley being idiots at Bass Pro.

Here were are being idiots at Ross with our headbang bangs. There is a recurring theme to me and Hayley being together.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Homeland Security Searched my Sweet Little Car

Pirates Alley Cafe
So Hayley and I drove to the beach last week for some relaxation. First stop was Whataburgers for breakfast. We were just south of Dallas. I realized I had no gas. So we stopped for gas. Now, I hardly EVER look at gas prices.Side note: my car takes premium gas.  I look over and gas is $4.19 a gallon. No way. I put in $5 and we stopped again later to get Monster drinks and gas for $3.74....much better.

So we are passing that big statue of Sam Houston in Huntsville and Hayley is like "Why is this car not stopped?" in her best sarcastic tone. No, we did not stop to see the statue. 

We had a nice relaxing time at the beach. We read books, ate seafood, and just played in the sand and ocean....and guess who forgot the boogies boards? Ugh.

On Ferry
So one day, I got some wild hair and decided I wanted to take the ferry to Port Bolivar. Note to self: Don't do that. So we pull up in my convertible with our music going all peaced out and we have been selected to be screened by Homeland Security. I had to kill the engine, open the hood and the trunk and all compartments in my car for a nice search. All I could think, is thank goodness I'm too old to have pot, but I guess they were looking for bombs and stuff like that. 

So then, there is nothing in Port Bolivar but new homes and this lighthouse. Side note: More than half the town was destroyed by Ike back in 2008 and now there is new construction everywhere. I didn't stop. I made Hayley take the photo as a drive-by. On the way back, we waited an hour in line to get back on the ferry. Sigh.

Baby Black Fin Shark
So we saw lots of Porpoises on this trip, but our last day at the beach we saw a 5 ft black fin shark swimming right out about 50 yards from us. It even did one of those frenzy things....maybe having a snack? Yikes. They did have the purple flags out which means to beware of marine life. So same day, we head over to Pedestrian beach. My daughter and this HAWT Bradley Cooper lookalike (except this guy is much better looking and better body) were out in the ocean. The guy beside me caught a baby shark and threw it back....somewhat close to where Hayley was swimming. I was trying to yell out to her to watch out for the baby shark and get ready to  gouge its eyes out if need be. She could probably just have stepped on it.

So Hayley has been telling me for years that she hates fish and seafood. Not sure what happened but she ate lots of fried fish and shrimp on this trip. She ate the entire piece of fish and all shrimp in the photo below. That was a HUGE piece of fish. This was at The Spot in Galveston. I highly recommend this place. We were girls and got pedicures and hair cuts and deep conditioning one day as part of our relaxation vacation.

So now, back to the grind. Getting ready for football season. Located all my sweats and hoodies, which might be just a little premature. My daughter is now working at Pink and she said they just got in all the Cowboys clothes. Sweet.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Family photos and insanity

So Hayley asked me to email her some of her graduation pictures today. I forgot how bad my family is with photos. All of our family photos are this bad. Nothing has ever looked professional.

Dog photo bomb with my mom and Hayley.

My mom was trying to take the photo below. She didn't know how to press the button on the camera. My ex-husband told my mom to hold it down, so instead of holding the button down, my mom holds the entire camera down....aiming at our feet, which is why we are all laughing in the photo. Oh and the dog is there squirming herself into the photo.

Everyone says Hayley looks just like me, but she kind of looks like her dad in these photos.

So Hayley and I are going to the beach this week, so today, she went and did the Insanity video with her boss and another coworker so she can be bikini ready. Well, I'm not sure doing one work out will make you bikini ready, but whatever. She's 18....it just might work for her.

So speaking of videos....when I was getting divorced 3 years ago I bought that P90X. I was living in an apartment at the time. I even bought a chin up bar.

So interestingly enough. One of the days, you are supposed to do multiple chin ups overhand, with hands far apart, and again with hands close together. Then, you are supposed to do chin ups underhanded close and far apart. Well, the funny, yet sad thing about this is that I could not do a single chin up, so the chin up bar and accompanying video were useless. 

Fortunately, I sold P90X on Craigslist....which is also where I bought it and broke even...except for the chin up bar which ruined the area around my doorway causing the apartment to withhold some of my deposit. Live and learn. 

After a week of 14-hour days at work, I'm officially on vacation for 8 days. Yippee. Oh, and the best part, I have MetroPCS so my phone only works in Metropolitan areas and I will not be in one. Oh, and the Wifi at the beach is hit or miss too. I'm going to drink frozen drinks, watch dolphins, go crabbing, and sit in a chair in the ocean with paperbacks. Oh and Bimbo wants me to take her clothes shopping.....not my idea of a vacation, but if it'll make her shut up, I guess it's worth it

Monday, August 26, 2013

Hot Dog Legs and disgusting Miley Cyrus

So I was having a conversation the other day about how kids are so tech savvy and all the educational uses of tablets and smartphones.

Well my's daughter's educational learning amounts to sending me this type of stuff:
Hot dogs or legs?


We laughed for half and hour looking at those stupid pictures. But much better wasting 30 minutes of my time laughing at that than me trying to peel that stupid hard boiled egg last week.

So I came home and my dog is sporting one of those sticky tags that stores put on pants. Ironically enough, she is sporting an extra small. Must be off my daughter's new clothes.

I'm so ready for vacation even if its with my daughter. 

So random thoughts about Miley Cyrus and the VMAs. Disgusting. I felt bad for Robin Thicke and his wife as I watched that disgusting display. 

On another note, with my current state of being, maybe I need to have some of whatever she is on. :)

My daughter told me she folded 6000 pairs of panties today at Pink. I told her that her black pants with coral trim didn't match her pink sweatshirt. She informed me that "Pink" girls are supposed to wear a variety of colors....and she said it with attitude.

No more first days of school and Frisco dog park

So I no longer have kids in school. Everyone on Facebook is posting all of their children's pictures for first day of school and they are awesome. I have a great picture of Hayley on her first day of kindergarten, but it is so old that it is not on my Snapfish account. It's an actual photo. She was wearing a  cute pink and white dress and had her hair in a headband. Wish I could post it, but I'd have to go through all my photo albums to find it.

So in honor of all the kids and their first days of school, I'm posting a picture of Hayley today with no school and she worked a late shift last night.

She just took a 2nd job at the Pink store. She is very excited because they gave her free clothes so she can wear them to work.

Funny, but her new boss just called and woke her up and said we need you to work in an hour. Hayley said fortunately she was sleeping in her Pink clothes, so she'll be able to make it in time. We laughed hard about that. Disgusting.

So I went and saw We're the Millers. That was one raunchy show, but yet I can't quit laughing and repeating some of the one-liners.

I took my dog to the Frisco Dog Park for the first time this weekend. She was not impressed. She smelled a few dogs, took a pee, and then tried to follow another couple with a dog out the gate. I don't think we will be going back. I had to use my navigation to even find the park in the first place. From now on, her doggie friends will be the ones in my neighborhood.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Golf Update and Sadness

Played golf with a high school buddy this weekend. He drove up to try out Plantation in Frisco. We had the first tee time on Sunday morning at 7am. What a beautiful day. The swans, ducks, and geese were all out and active. I shot a 98....about typical. I had a birdie and a couple of pars, but two really bad blowup holes involving water. Time to add more golf balls to my bag. So there were some financial penalties this weekend. I should have taken pictures on the course though. Dang it. Also, there is nothing better than playing a 3-hour round. We were done at 10:05am. Lovely.

So Monday night, beautiful full moon. Love that.

So my daughter got a second job at the mall with some free clothes involved. Well thank goodness. She's been delivering pizzas and making $15-25 an hour, but I've spent $900 on brakes and tires just for her in the last couple of months. I knew the back brakes were coming soon, but not the tires too. Ugh.

Now that she has the 2nd job, I told her she needs to put herself on a payment plan with me. I won't charge her for all of it because I want her to hit her savings goal and move out. Hahaha. But, it does put a damper in my style to pay for those car expenses. I prefer to spend my money on golf, sushi, and pedicures.

So today, Hayley and I are looking at my kitty's huge FUPA and my daughter says its time to put Peaches on the Jenny plan. I wholeheartedly agree. 

Very sad. In the last three weeks, I've had two of my friends tell me they are getting divorced, one got unengaged, and another just had a breakup. I'm right there with them all. I'm wondering why all the breakups so suddenly. For the hopeless romantic, and also with my own recent break up, it makes me sad. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

More single girl fun

I decided that is been too hot to play golf and I need an indoor hobby. Well I go to the hobby store and look around. I see this nice kit where you embroidery butterflies on the end of white pillowcases. I'm thinking that sounds awesome even though I'm not much of a hobby girl. Well, I buy the kit and it tells
you what color of floss to buy so I buy the 15 colors.

  • Day 1: I come home and start reading the directions, but it seems complicated because they have 3 stitches and I'm just trying to figure it all out. They have a chart to show what stitches on the pattern and what colors and how many strands to use.
  • Day 2: Ready to start. Oh wait. I don't have an embroidery hoop.
  • Day 3: Purchase embroidery hoop.
  • Day 4: Ready to start. Put my pillow case on my embroidery hoop. Oops. I don't have embroidery needles.
  • Day 5: Busy, busy, stuck in traffic, go to Target, but they don't have embroidery needles.
  • Day 6: Go to Walmart and get the needles.
  • Day 7: Finally, have everything I need to start. Realize it's a lot harder than I thought. It takes me 4 hours to do one butterfly.
  • Day 8: Okay, I'm starting to get it a little. Things are looking up.
Had a great day shopping with Hayley on Saturday. We had a blast. 

We did our Nicki Minaj impressions with the headband bangs we found at Ross. 

We said we'd eat healthy, but stopped at Wing Stop instead. Shopping for cheap jewelry at Sam Moon. See girls in car next to us....four of them...take selfies with the phone. They catch us watching and laughing and then they are all laughing. It was a long light, so we all laughed a long time.

 My daughter can be so mean, but she can be so much fun to be around...when she's in a good mood.

I'm thinking about cleaning my golf clubs. The weather is supposed to cool down this week, so I'm ready for some golf again. Maybe I'll give up the embroidery until winter. I did get my driver and 3-wood re-gripped.