About Me

Frisco, Texas, United States
I'm a middle-aged, bitter, divorced woman making every day a great day. I have two grown children.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How many days in a row can a person eat turkey?

So Market Street has this promotion until Thanksgiving. You spend $100 and you get a turkey. Well there are only the three of us at home. This does NOT include the animals that would scarf down an entire turkey at one sitting. We cooked an 18-lb turkey this weekend. By the way, 18 lbs is huge.

So far we've had turkey (plain), turkey sandwiches, and turkey waldorf salad. Tonight, I'm making turkey pot pie. BTW, there is still a LOT of turkey left. I really like turkey, but for how long? I guess I'm going to find out.

We spend $100 every week on groceries, so I definitely see more turkeys in our future. If we don't cook one every week, I'm not sure our freezers can take it. The outside freezer still has venison from last year and all the steaks that we get on sale. Also, we are supposed to be getting some 'birds' that a friend's wife is tired of storing in her freezer. We may have to pass on that.

I even threw out some old cherry ice cream that no one ate. I wish I could remember who bought the stupid cherry ice cream. I know it wasn't me....at least I THINK it wasn't me. I eat Haagen Daaz 'Chocolate Chocolate Chip'. We have NEVER thrown out leftover Haagen Daaz......or wine for that matter. Who knows, it was probably a year old and I can barely remember yesterday. BTW, Billie Jean, our cat (named in memory of Michael Jackson), likes cherry ice cream. I had it melting in the kitchen sink which is where I found her staked out.

Anyway, peace!


Monday, November 2, 2009

A great weekend in Texas

Well what a beautiful weekend in Texas. For starters, my daughter's Halloween costume was not revealing or trampy looking. Yea. I was worried because the fairy skirt was short, but she had on some leggings so it all turned out well. She looked really cute.

We had a lot of tricker or treaters. Mike bought about 8 bags of candy...I'm guessing so we'd have leftovers, but that didn't happen. The doorbell kept ringing with huge crowds of kids. I don't remember so many last year.

I got stingy as the night wore on and my supply started dwindling. Three pieces per person max, one chocolate bar and two 'not-chocolate' candies. Some of the kids would let you put candy in their sack and then they wouldn't leave. I did NOT fall for it and add more candy, no siree. I just let them stand there until their parents drug them off my porch or they got bored. :) And of course we had the kid that was wearing a sheet with two eye holes. I'm guessing he was probably 17.

Okay, what a great day at Cowboy Stadium. We got there early and cooked up breakfast tacos with our tailgating buddies. Nothing like a huge win on a gorgeous day. Our buddy with the 'nice' grill got a hole in his hose and we had nothing there we could use to fix it. It's amazing how you can make do in trying situations. We cooked up breakfast for 10 people on a $10 table-top gas grill that we almost left at home.

Not sure why Jerry didn't open the lid on the stadium yesterday....maybe because the crybaby Falcons moaned about the sun in their eyes last week????

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Teenage books and shows

Well I had an evening class to attend this week MWF. Thank goodness the TV shows were all reruns on those days.......even though I have a DVR. My teenager has the DVR full of America's Top Model and Degrassi. By the way, what kind of teen show is Degrassi? I've never seen so much drama and adult topics in my life. Those darn Canadians.

It's like the teen books she reads. What the heck?

They are about sex, pregnancy, suicides, broken families, homosexuality, lesbianism, dad's that quit their jobs and leave their families almost homeless to sell vitamins at the mall????? So depressing.

Oh and then let's try the not-so-depressing books. The Twilight series. Okay, not so depressing, but do I want my daughter to have a role model like Bella that has nothing going for her in her life except she's cute? Her entire days are spent thinking about her stupid vampire boyfriend and how he looks hot. Great....forget about finding a good man and being bound by the same yoke.....look for some hot guy who drinks blood. Oh and for my teenager, let's go ahead and let her know that vampires have really hot sex.

Okay, off my teenage book soapbox...for the moment anyway.

So tonight....no repeats. I can watch the loathsome Russell (the dumb girl alliance) guy on Survivor and the hot guy who at least happens to be smart on The Mentalist. Or at least he can follow the script from some writer who is smart.