About Me

Frisco, Texas, United States
I'm a middle-aged, bitter, divorced woman making every day a great day. I have two grown children.

Monday, June 10, 2013

30th Reunion and Hayley graduates

I had a fun weekend. Lots of stuff going on.

Saturday was a big day. Hayley graduated. This was a huge deal for us. Several months ago for reasons unknown to me (she would not spill), Hayley wanted to quit school and get her GED. I think she stayed in school because she had one class that she really enjoyed. I believe this was the class that watched Honey Boo Boo ocassionally. Well if that's what it takes to keep her in school, so be it.
Three generations! Mom, Hayley, and me. We enjoyed a nice lunch at Babes.
Friday night was my 30th class reunion at J Gilligans in Arlington. I wasn't planning on attending, but decided to go. Glad I did. I had a really good time seeing everyone and reminiscing as far back as 3rd grade. Of course, I had to pay $55 to walk into a bar. I was so busy flitting around talking that I didn't take very many pictures. I hate it when I do that.

Okay on a side note. I downloaded that Waze application. How cool. You can see the accidents, traffic, and po po locations on your routes.

I've been cooking again lately. I had fresh zucchini from the farmer's market. I made zucchini cakes with a horseradish dipping sauce. My boyfriend who eats hots dogs and burgers like crazy draws the line at fried foods so he did not like my zuchhini cakes. I thought they were pretty good. This is not my recipe even thought it says  Connie....it's a different Connie.


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