I've lived in Frisco for 15 years. I'm in my third house in Frisco, 7th house I've owned in my life. I had a house in East Frisco. I had a pool put in, then a year later, I sold it to get married and moved to a much larger house...temporarily.
Due to a divorce I went from a 3400 sq foot house to a 885 sq ft house less than a mile away in historic Frisco. This was due to my daughter only have 2 years of school left in Wakeland. Most of the Wakeland neighborhood was WAY out of my price range, so this was my only choice. I remodeled this house completely.
Due to a divorce I went from a 3400 sq foot house to a 885 sq ft house less than a mile away in historic Frisco. This was due to my daughter only have 2 years of school left in Wakeland. Most of the Wakeland neighborhood was WAY out of my price range, so this was my only choice. I remodeled this house completely.
I can sit in my backyard and hear kids hitting baseballs. I hear the parents cheering them on. I also have Mockingbirds, Cardinals, Woodpeckers, Blue Jays, Hummingbirds, Robins, hawks and other birds.
When I sit in my front yard, I can watch the school buses caravan down my street, I see Careflight (not so good), firetrucks, hear the games at Memorial Stadium and I can hear the fireworks at Pizza Hut Park.
This one of my neighbor's house. You can't see in this picture, but they have beautiful stain glass windows.
Randy's Steak House is also in walking distance, but out of my price range. I have eaten there and it is really good food.
When I go for a walk, also walk past the FHA (?) pens. The black cows always run to the fence to greet me. I love them.
I love where I live; however, I'm ready to move to the beach when my daughter gets her own place.
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