About Me

Frisco, Texas, United States
I'm a middle-aged, bitter, divorced woman making every day a great day. I have two grown children.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fake casserole and sin stocks

Hayley called me at work today and asked me to come home and make her a casserole. Well, many of you know that I love to cook, but guess what? I wasn't in the cooking mode. It is 75 degrees and lovely outside. I was in the 'sit on the front porch, drink wine, and watch traffic go by' mode. Then, I found out she unexpectedly had to go to work which means she wouldn't be around to watch me 'cook'.

So I go to Kroger's to look at prepackaged meals in the deli area. Seriously, a small piece of lasagna is $5.20. It's not even enough food to fill up my daughter.

So I go to frozen foods. I buy two TV dinners (baked ziti) for $4 total. Now, Hayley likes home-cooked food. So I put these in my baking pan, added more mozzarella, added shredded cheddar cheese on top, and breadcrumbs. For good measure, I made sure to leave cheddar cheese on the stove so she'd think I cooked from scratch. Just kidding, that was not intentional. That was me making a big mess while shredding the cheese. Oh, and let me tell you, this fake home-made casserole is really good.

I'm feeling very clever. I put the TV dinner boxes in the trash, so I know that she'll never run across those. Every week we have a contest to see how much trash can fit into a bag....'cause neither of us are taking it out until I do it on trash day. The joys of living with only females in the house...Sigh.

So speaking of NOT winning the lottery lately...Today, my sin stocks came through for me even thought the market was down. I don't intentionally hold sin stocks, but they just seem like a good way to make money. My sin stocks include liquor, ammo, and ecigarette stocks. I own other things too, but the sin stocks seem to do best in most instances. I bought a couple of REITS for old people stuff like hospitals and medical centers. One is doing well, and I have one that turned out to be not-so-good lately and I'm not sure why. Anyway, since everyone that I personally know is getting older, I'm going to hang onto the both of them.

So I'd appreciate it if you'd all shoot your guns often, drink your alcohol, smoke your ecigs, and continue to get older.

Oh and my boyfriend, Nicky, really cracks me up. He told me that when we go to Spain next year, that I can go topless on the beach. Seriously? I'm 48 years old. I don't know if that's such a good idea, but it makes me smile that he even suggests it.

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