About Me

Frisco, Texas, United States
I'm a middle-aged, bitter, divorced woman making every day a great day. I have two grown children.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Peaches is home

$200 for x-rays and medication 
$1000 for orthopedic surgeon
$500 in other surgery costs 
Peaches back home...Priceless! 

Peaches was hit by a car right in front of my house. She is such a trooper. Her femur was broken crossways and detached. They pinned it together and put some external fixator on her. You can't see it in the picture. It's on the other hip. She is walking around pretty well and she seems as happy as before the trauma. Zena slept on the floor by her crate with her all night long. The dogs seem to sense that she is injured. They are very careful around her.

So, I did the Petite Advantage Diet last week (for the most part). I stuck exactly to plan for 4 days and then I just ate pretty healthy on the weekend. Down 5 lbs in a week. Yea! The mango salsa recipe was terrible. The mango was much better when it was cooked with shrimp and basil.

Update on Hayley. Rudy's let her rescind her 2 weeks notice and gave her a raise. She is quitting the Lemon Bar after 3 days of working there. She did not like it at all. The good news is that this weekend, we picked up brisket, two half chickens, jalapeno sausage, a bottle of sauce, a package of buns and it was $20. That 50% mom discount is awesome. 

I was watching the end of the Cowboys game and my boyfriend made me put the game on pause so he could go to the bathroom. He says the Cowboys have a better chance of winning if he is watching.....Should I have told him that the officials did not stop play while he was in the bathroom? 

Dang it Cowboys. Well at least it was an exciting game. I feel partly to blame for their loss because I got busy running around and forgot to put on all my Cowboys stuff, but then again, I've worn it for many other games and it sure didn't help.

Oh, and then my beloved Longhorns....I couldn't even watch the 2nd half. I chose to go plant my flower bulbs and water my grass seed. You can thank me for the rain Saturday night. It would have never rained if I hadn't watered. Happy Monday!!!

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