About Me

Frisco, Texas, United States
I'm a middle-aged, bitter, divorced woman making every day a great day. I have two grown children.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Not just a blonde moment......40 minutes

Happy October! I'm going to pull out my Halloween decorations soon. I did buy my new cute napkins yesterday.

So I've had fleas in my yard and on my animals all summer long. Yesterday, the Home Depot guy recommended a different spray with Nylar, so I bought it. I came home and  hooked it to the hose. I sprayed the flower beds really well because the dogs like to sleep in there. I also did the front and side yards. I went around to my big backyard and did all of that too including under the shed.

So I go to unhook from the hose and the bottle was full. UGH. This bottle didn't only have the tab to open it  up, but another button that had to be turned and then pushed in. So anyway, I had to start all over. Basically, I spent 40 minutes spraying my yard with water. 

Last night Hayley and I went to pick up some Whataburgers. The 2-lane drive through was packed so we thought we would go in. Wrong move. One couple brought 3 items back to complain to the manager, then the kids immediately in front of us ended up bringing two items back to the manager. This place was packed. That poor manager. My boyfriend said that at the end of her shift she needed to tell her employees to quit going out back to smoke pot on their breaks, so that they could get the orders right. LOL.

So the Cowboys were so disappointing last night. I put myself out of  my misery and went to bed early.

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