About Me

Frisco, Texas, United States
I'm a middle-aged, bitter, divorced woman making every day a great day. I have two grown children.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Random postings of the day

So I have a lot of random stuff to write about today. I'll put in order of my day.  Well first off thought my house or front trees were hit by lightening at 2am, but everything was fine...just scary. We accidentally left Billie Jean out last night, but she showed up this morning. She was dry and did not look traumatized by the lightening or storm. She's a cat. She probably could care less.

I was watching SquawkBox this morning. I had no idea that marijuana grows in the wild in Iowa...and sometimes in the middle of the corn fields. The reporter said that is why Iowa is also know as Highowa. That was my first laugh of the day.

Next, Joe (SquawkBox) says they are going to have the guy who is making Fifty Shades of Grey into a NOT x-rated movie on next. He says "Tie yourself to the TV.. You don't want to miss this." That was my next laugh of the day.

So the top was already down on the car so decided to  leave it down for the drive into work. I was cold. It is August in Texas. WTH?

So driving around town lately...what is up? Everyone has a new car. There are paper plates everywhere. I'm guessing the dealers are doing a fine job of selling off the 2012s????? Or maybe these are 2013s. I can't tell. Lots of new Volkswagens and Lexuses....they must be really working it.

So today I'm listening to my "Contemplative" music list. You would think that would be classical music, but it's not. It's lyrics that either make me think about things or remind me of things in my life.  Here's a few of the songs.

California Dreamin' (Mamas and Papas)

Sing for the Moment (JayZ)

Empire State of Mind (Eminem)

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