So I was leaving to take Cocoa to her daddy's house, but Zena decided she wanted to go for a ride too and jumped in my car. Kind of hard to drive a two-seater car with two dogs, so Zena didn't get to make the ride and there was a Chinese fire drill involved so that I could be the driver.
I cannot believe it is already football time of the year. When football starts, I feel like I should be in my sweatpants and hoodie, but tonight the Cowboys play and it'll be 104 degrees here so I guess shorts and flip flops it is. All my Cowboys shirts are for cold weather, so maybe I'll wear my Cowboys undies....for real...I have Cowboys undies and house slippers.

Football also makes me think about food. I decided not to make typical tailgating fare this evening. I'm making crab cakes with a spicy horseradish sauce and homemade coleslaw. I'm using a recipe that does not use mayo. If its good, I'll post the recipe.
I would really love to be able to sit on my back patio and watch the game, but I'm not really up for trying to figure out how to run cable to my back yard. I think I can watch preseason games online, but I still want to get TV in the yard at some point. Maybe I'll get brave enough to try this cable thing. I think I may even own a cable splitter doohickey....I just don't want to end up having to call TWC if I mess things up, but oh well. I also found a receiver and speakers in storage so I think I'm going to hook them up in back yard too. But then again, I probably shouldn't really sit outside tonight since West Nile has taken over around here.
It's also back to school season. My daughter is a senior this year. Wow. I showed her how to set up online bill pay. I tried to get a picture of her making her first car payment of many last week, but she hid behind a throw pillow. She and her boyfriend went and saw The Campaign last night. She said it was very raunchy, but very funny. I may have to go see it.
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