So I thought about retiring in Florida some day, but Colorado just might do. I'm not being serious...well at least I don't think I am. I'll revisit that idea in about 10 years. But seriously, I wonder if people will relocate to Colorado....or....will the real potsmokers be too unmotivated?
"Forty million Americans smoked marijuana; the only ones who didn't like it were Judge Ginsberg, Clarence Thomas, and Bill Clinton" -- Jay Leno
The link below is a little outdated because pot was only available with a prescription when it was created. This links is totally inappropriate, totally disgusting, but funny...if you can get past disgusting. Click link at your own risk. The first time I saw this I cried I was laughing so hard.

When my daughter's boyfriend's mother found out who he voted for she had a cow. Hayley said she started screaming at him and told him he needed to move out and to start paying for his own car and cell phone. Priceless!!!! I told Hayley to break up with him. She hasn't done it, but I'm sure she'll figure it out soon enough.
So I'm headed to Houston and Surfside Beach for a short getaway. I'm going to sit on my patio, drink my 3-buck chuck, and just listen to the surf and seagulls and do absolutely nothing except think about my next meal.
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