About Me

Frisco, Texas, United States
I'm a middle-aged, bitter, divorced woman making every day a great day. I have two grown children.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Let's talk Colorado

I watched Squawkbox this morning. They were talking about how legalizing marijuana in Colorado would really help boost the economy....with all the Twinkie and Cheetos sales and water bongs, etc.

So I thought about retiring in Florida some day, but Colorado just might do. I'm not being serious...well at least I don't think I am. I'll revisit that idea in about 10 years. But seriously, I wonder if people will relocate to Colorado....or....will the real potsmokers be too unmotivated?

"Forty million  Americans smoked marijuana; the only ones who didn't like it were Judge Ginsberg, Clarence Thomas, and Bill Clinton" -- Jay Leno

The link below is a little outdated because pot was only available with a prescription when it was created. This links is totally inappropriate, totally disgusting, but funny...if you can get past disgusting. Click link at your own risk. The first time I saw this I cried I was laughing so hard.


So Trader Joe's is the bomb. I went today and bought 2 bottles of wine, some crackers, some wasabi seaweed snacks and some sushi....It was only $16. I spend that much typically just on grocery store sushi. The sushi was not that great, so I'll pass on it next time.

When my daughter's boyfriend's mother found out who he  voted for she had a cow. Hayley said she started screaming at him and told him he needed to move out and to start paying for his own car and cell phone. Priceless!!!! I told Hayley to break up with him. She hasn't done it, but I'm sure she'll figure it out soon enough.

So I'm headed to Houston and Surfside Beach for a short getaway. I'm going to sit on my patio, drink my 3-buck chuck, and just listen to the surf and seagulls and do absolutely nothing except think about my next meal.

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