The trip to the zoo was lots of fun and lots of walking. They had a baby giraffe and a baby chimpanzee. Both were adorable. Tatu (giraffe) was only 8 weeks old and was born 6ft tall. He is expected to be 15 ft tall.

We partied at Flying Saucer, went to the Water Gardens and walked around Sundance Square. It was a beautiful weekend. We got some rain and it was breezy. Pretty uncommon for August in Texas.
We also went to the Kimbell Museum. Lots of great artists and wonderful pictures. My favorite is the Torment of St. Anthony. It was Michaelangelo's first painting when he was 12 years old.
Beautiful yet disturbing all at once. Here is more information if you are interested.
So we think my boyfriend's cat might have been killed by a bobcat or a nice family has taken her in. Several cats have disappeared lately and a bobcat has been spotted in the neighborhood. We are praying for 'nice family'.
This week my sweet kitties killed a bird. They looked very guilty and left the carcass in my backyard by the storage shed. I picked it up while I was on doggie poo duty. The one nice thing about 100 degree weather is that the doggie poo is petrified and no smell.
Cowboys Rock! I know everyone (in their right minds) were thinking the former SuperBowl champs at home would win. In all honesty, I really thought the Cowboys would pull this game off and they did. 2012 Season: Cowboys Undefeated!!!
So one little rant today. WHY oh WHY do some people have to STOP the car to make a right turn?
Looks like we are supposed to have an awesome weekend...80 degrees for the high. Hard to believe we are going to drop from 100+ to 80s. What happened to the 90s?
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