This is not my son in the picture, but this seems to sum up his life right now.
Well I'm a little disappointed with other people's behavior lately. Tailgating, speeding, cutting people off, flipping people off, honking of horns, speeding through parking lots and stealing people's spots, standing in the store taking up the entire aisle and refusing to move over.
Really? Come on people. It's Christmas. I guess I haven't had enough of it, so I'm headed out to do a little more shopping today.
Went to the high school football playoffs in Cowboys stadium last week. The games were awesome. There were so many talented players.
So some guy on SquawkBox today said to buy Weight Watchers WTW. He says all these health insurance companies are beginning to pay for WW in an attempt to help out their obese customers. He specifically said United Health, but I know my BC/BS also covers WW. This guy, who I didn't pay attention to who he was..maybe he was paid by WW:), anyway, he says their online business alone is enough.
My daughter downloaded Words with Friends on my phone. Now, I really do need to go and buy a second battery.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas and remembers the reason for the season.
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