Hayley got a new kitten the same month Michael Jackson died and she decided to name her Billie Jean. She's the gray kittie in the picture. Peaches is the orange cat.
Hayley took BJ to the vet for her shots and the vet told her BJ had feline leukemia and needed to be put down immediately. Hayley frantically called me crying. I told her that we would think about it and keep Billie Jean until she started feeling bad. We thought she wouldn't make it too long, but we wanted to make her happy while she was healthy.
The vet had a digital picture frame for client pet pictures. Billie Jean's photo was of her wearing a spiked collar, claws out, and yowling. We would laugh every time we saw it.
Billie Jean almost made it 5 years. She was not the friendliest cat, but she liked Hayley. BJ had a great life til the end. She had many dog friends that she played with over the years.
Hayley said she was going to get a new kitten after putting BJ down. In the meantime, she borrowed Peaches for a few days. I asked her this week about getting another cat. She said she "I can envision myself never cleaning a litter box again". So today, she said she's going to the animal shelter "Just to look".
Billie Jean is missed.
So Hayley tells me she needs a 'model'. In reality, she needs a guinea pig to practice her hair stuff. A couple of weeks ago, I went in for a shampoo, conditioner, and blow dry. These are my before and after pictures. So how does this happen? According, to Hayley a boar's brush is key to smooth hair along with Aveda Smooth Infusion Style Prep.
So I'm going to "model" the next two weeks. After Saturday, I'm going to be a brunette for an entire week. Not too happy about that since it is time for my summer blonde. But, next weekend, I get a partial head coloring and will have blonde highlights. I've warned my coworkers in advance that my look will be changing weekly.
So the crying and wanting to quit school has finally stopped. Hayley was not quite fitting in with some of the girls. FYI, Aveda is a stone's throw away from Highland Park. Frisco is a little uppity, but it is primarly Californians who sold their homes and could afford the so-called Texas McMansions----cookie cutter, but good-sized homes. Highland Park is wealth. No comparison.
She has since found her clique. They call themselves "the funny group that can't stand anyone else". Well alrighty then. As long as she stays in school, I'm good. Today, I tried to call her on her lunch break, but she was too busy "going to Chipotle with the girls".
Many people have asked if Hayley likes doing hair. Below are assorted pictures of Hayley's hair in the past year or two. Sometimes I don't recognize her myself. Sometimes people say she looks a lot like me....well that depends on the day.
This Texas weather has been horrible. Well maybe not horrible, but the weatherman told me it was going to be 70 today. I drove the convertible and put on high heel wedge sandals. Guess what? It is not convertible or sandal weather. I've since donned a UT hoodie over my work clothes and my toes are cold. Very professional....NOT.
I hope all my buddies with children enjoy spring break!
So I have been out of my house a couple of months now. It was funny, but the last time, I ran into my former neighbor, he said he was wondering what happened. He said "you were just gone". He thought maybe we packed up and moved in the middle of the night for some mysterious reason. Everything did happen suddenly, but it happned at 10am on a Sunday.