Well I had an evening class to attend this week MWF. Thank goodness the TV shows were all reruns on those days.......even though I have a DVR. My teenager has the DVR full of America's Top Model and Degrassi. By the way, what kind of teen show is Degrassi? I've never seen so much drama and adult topics in my life. Those darn Canadians.
It's like the teen books she reads. What the heck?
They are about sex, pregnancy, suicides, broken families, homosexuality, lesbianism, dad's that quit their jobs and leave their families almost homeless to sell vitamins at the mall????? So depressing.
Oh and then let's try the not-so-depressing books. The Twilight series. Okay, not so depressing, but do I want my daughter to have a role model like Bella that has nothing going for her in her life except she's cute? Her entire days are spent thinking about her stupid vampire boyfriend and how he looks hot. Great....forget about finding a good man and being bound by the same yoke.....look for some hot guy who drinks blood. Oh and for my teenager, let's go ahead and let her know that vampires have really hot sex.
Okay, off my teenage book soapbox...for the moment anyway.
So tonight....no repeats. I can watch the loathsome Russell (the dumb girl alliance) guy on Survivor and the hot guy who at least happens to be smart on The Mentalist. Or at least he can follow the script from some writer who is smart.